Friday, November 21, 2008

Do Not Exit

If you have ever been to a coffee shop, you'll understand what I am about to tell you.

It happens like this: you are sitting there, reading a newspaper and having a nice hot cup of black coffee. Perhaps, if you are lucky, you are also smoking a nice pal mal. When all of a sudden some whackjob comes over and asks if you if you could move because the smoke from your cigarette is bothering them. What a terribly maddening situation this is.

Well my advice is to move. It doesn't accomplish anything to argue with the poor gentleman or woman. If they have some preconceived notion that they are being harmed by your wonderfully pleasant cig, nothing you say will change their mind.

So move, but do not, and I cannot stress this enough, do not exit. If you exit at that point in time you are most likely giving up what is a perfectly good cup of coffee. Most likely black coffee at that. So just move on and continue your relaxing endeavours at a different table. If there is not one available, then stand up for awhile, it can't hurt. Someone will move along shortly and you can get back to being comfortable.

In the end, the coffee and the pal mal are what is important and no pretentious non-smoker can ruin that if you don't let them.

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